Welcome to the Testarea

Access to testarea is restricted to dedicated testers only.

To log in use your regular DUNGEONFOG credentials.
You have to have permission to log into our testarea.

No credit card required

Hello & Welcome to the internal testarea!
This is a restricted area dedicated to our internal testers, where we can discuss the current test build, exchange feedback and report bugs.

Here are some things you need to keep in mind: 

  • The testarea is only intended to test current builds and gather more feedback & bug reports before we release it to the public.
  • Whenever we deploy a new build, all your maps from LIVE will be imported into the testarea and will override all you maps here on the testarea.
  • WE DO NOT transfer maps back to LIVE. So whatever you do here is just for testing.
  • Whenever we deploy a new build we will also release a short announcement here, describing the new features and asking for specific test feedback.
  • Please use our Discord Channel for reporting & feedback!

Happy map testing!